SAWE survey

Please go to and take the time to complete this survey.  SAWE leadership devoted a lot of time and thought to develop it.  We will use the results to improve the professions served by the SAWE as well as improving the benefits of participation in the SAWE.  Please invite your colleagues to take the survey.  We want to hear from as many people as possible interested in helping to develop the industries served by the Society of Allied Weight Engineers.  The results will be used to write a paper that will be presented at the Sheraton DFW in Irving, TX in early May 2018.  Make your plans to attend now.  Get company support and begin your travel plans after a well deserved holiday season.  Happy Holidays and best wishes to your family and friends.


Clint Stephenson, SAWE Individual Membership Chair.

Author: clintds01

SAWE member since 2003.

One thought on “SAWE survey”

  1. This survey will help the SAWE determine where our resources should be applied as well as aid in determining the current makeup of the SAWE demographic.

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