823. Parameter Alteration in a Computer-Aided Mechanical Engineering Design System
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Interactive synthesis and analysis of the machine design task in a computer aided mechanical engineering design system is done by evaluating partial derivatives and altering design parameter values. This method applies to any computer-aided machine design system and to any mathematically-formed machine design problem. The process for finding the partial derivatives and addressing the design variables, which may involve a great number of variables and subroutines in the system, is discussed. Using evaluated partial derivatives, this paper describes a steepest-descent search and variable scanning method with constraints to:
– Alter the design variable to get the desired machine performance,
– Analyze the effect of the design variable on the machine performance, and
– Obtain the design variable changes which cause the desired changes in machine performance.
However, the characteristics of this method limit it to one solution, even though there may be more. The presentation includes the format of stored information, which can be addressed dynamically, and the formation of the design problem, which alters the design variable. The power of this technique, used in an interactive synthesis and analysis machine design system, lies in the degree of interaction allowed by the system and its ability to analyze the user’s requirements. Nevertheless, the technique can apply to machine design problems without involving a computer-aided design system.