1351. The Modular Life Cycle Cost Model for Advanced Aircraft Systems
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This Grumman/Lockheed contracted study/model development was initiated and is managed by The Vehicle Synthesis Branch, Flight Dynamics Laboratory, Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratories. The objective of this on-going effort is the development of a credible methodology/mathematical model to enhance design engineer trade studies and predict the Life Cycle Costs (BDT&E, Production and Operations and Support) of advanced technology aircraft systems. The Modular Life Cycle Cost Model (MLCCM) is being developed in three phases. Phase I and II have been completed and Phase III is presently being worked. The Phase IT MLCCM Master Control Program- provides a computerized methodology for predicting advanced technology aircraft life cycle costs to major sub- system level during the conceptual and preliminary design phases. This methodology consists of a complete set of Life Cycle Cost Estimating Relationships (LCCERS) which provide the design engineer with a design based engineering/cost tool and the capability to effectively conduct detailed and highly credible design/performance/cost trade studies for both fighter/attack and cargo/transport/tanker aircraft. Additionally, exercising the model provides the decision regarding the significant design/performance/cost options available to him and outputs predictions of the Acquisition and Operations and Support costs of the design configuration alternatives derived. With this data, the decision across the system life cycle and assures the lowest possible Operations and Support costs consistent with satisfactory performance and flight safety. The Phase III Master Control Program has been validated both in-house and by an AFSC directed Sufficiency Test, using aircraft not in the database at that time (F-15 and A-10), with excellent results. The MLCCM is up and running on the ASD CYBER 175, the AFLC CREATE and the Navy NASC CDC 6600 computer systems. Current effort involves the incorporation of corrosion sensitivity into the Master Control Program and expansion of the Operations and Support elements to a lower level of WBS indenture.