97. The IBM Card-Programmed Calculator as Adapted to Weight Control Record Keeping


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J E Ward: 97. The IBM Card-Programmed Calculator as Adapted to Weight Control Record Keeping. 1954.



While it is true that tabulating machines are more ideally adapted to grinding out our weekly pay checks, and the new larger electronic digital computers are replacing armies of people with desk-calculators, I do not pretend that machines can do anything like this for us. We will not be able to dispense with the services of a single weight engineer or computer, but it is quite unfair of our critics to say that machines are handicapping us.
The reason that our problem is not ideally adapted to machine methods is that the input data is not only extensive, but rapidly changing, and the output presentation is usually as extensive as the input. We have found that machines are suited to handling the weight work on a project from the time that the design has jelled enough to write a Group Statement. Many different reporting breakdowns are required during the project. All you have to do is to code the entry a sufficient number of ways and the rest is up to the machines.
This paper will describe the method that is used at Republic Aviation Corporation for weight reporting in use with the IBM Card-Programmed Electronic Calculator. I will describe the considerations that must take place in the setup, the lessons learned along the way in using the system, and future plans.


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